Business intelligence

If you want to make better decisions, optimise workflows and initiate innovative business processes, your data is key to the success of your company.

Your benefits

• Greater transparency for business processes

• Fast acquisition of knowledge from data

• Self-service BI for independent business users

• Seamless integration – stationary and mobile

• Compliance with regulatory requirements

• Appropriate BI architecture: “classic” or Big Data

Database systems and architectures

Depending on the structure and quantity of your data, REVO TECH will set up customised data architectures for you – fully in line with your requirements.

• Relational database systems

• Distributed systems and architectures

• NoSQL databases

• In-database processing


Data warehouse

REVOTECH is a specialist in data warehousing. By merging, cleansing and storing data, our experts build up a decision support database for you that serves as the basis for a wide variety of analyses. In this way, we lay the foundation for the acquisition of valuable corporate knowledge.

• DWH architectures

• Data integration and quality

• Lambda architectures and event data

• Metadata


Business intelligence architectures

Your data is the basis for your success. With REVO TECH, you gain clarity about the current status and future prospects of your company and your business environment. At your workplace. Or wherever you wish.

• Report distribution

• Self-service BI

• Mobile BI


Data analysis and visualisation

Thanks to our many years of experience in financial mathematics, data mining, time series analysis and medical statistics, we can draw on the necessary expertise for your analysis projects at any time. With BI reporting, we support you in finding the right visualisation for your purposes and integrating it into your business processes.

• Descriptive statistics

• Reports, dashboards and KPIs

• Explorative data analysis


Organisational integration of BI

The way we implement business intelligence solutions in your company depends strongly on your company structure and regulatory requirements. Together with your comprehensive industry expertise, our experts at HMS develop the perfect solution to enable you to gain more insight from your data.

• Organisational forms – BICC

• Quality management

• Data protection


Focusing on the data

Your dispositive data is a valuable resource that should be well maintained and documented. For this reason, REVOTECH pays special attention to data modelling, data integration and metadata.

Sustainable architecture

Business processes, data and requirements are subject to constant change. That’s why our solution at REVO TECH means a solid architecture combined with well thought-out organisational and technical adaptation procedures.

Targeted use of tools

Different user groups require different tools. REVOTECH supports you in the careful selection of the appropriate tools and ensures targeted knowledge development through training and coaching.


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